Investing in Quality

26 June 2023
The Trivec Team installing our new brushing machine and cross conveyor

Production Upgrades

We made a significant investment in our production facilities back in October 2022, and this continues with our latest upgrades this month, with new machinery to further improve Chaunceys’ floor finishing processes.

The settings of these machines can be accurately adjusted to give us complete control over our finish recipes, and the new setup allows us to increase our output and cut down our lead times, whilst continually delivering the same high-quality products we are known for.

Our New Brusing Line & Cross Conveyor

The Trivec Team installing our new brushing machine and cross conveyor

Our trusted supplier’s team of engineers travelled from the Netherlands to install a new denibbing and brushing system, and a state-of-the-art cross conveyor.

It’s the latest investment in our production facilities, improving our efficiency and allowing us to pre-condition every board to very high standards. These machines will allow us to consistently provide the finest quality textures and finishes on our wood flooring.

new machinery at Chaunceys