Alice Gordon

Department: Sales
Job title: Customer Service Representative

+44 (0) 1179 72 59 19

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Alice Gordon - Customer Service Representative at Chaunceys Timber Flooring

Alice joined Chaunceys’ Customer Service team in 2024, and is committed to helping our customers from start to finish on their flooring journey. As their main point of contact when in need, she endeavours to provide excellent customer service, to find our clients their dream flooring, and to reassure them that we are with them every step of the way, no matter the project.

“Seeing project images after installation is my favourite part. Seeing a beautiful project come to life is very fulfilling.”

Alice studied French alongside Politics and Philosophy at university, and she lived in France for a year, working as a private English teacher.

“We promise flooring for life at Chaunceys, so it is important to recognise the decision-making process may not always be easy.”

Dream Floor: “Currently Burnt Umber. I am partial to a bit of reclaimed Pitch Pine too.”